Get to Know More about the World of Journalism with Guslan Gumilang
24 January 2023

Get to Know More about the World of Journalism with Guslan Gumilang

On Friday, 13 January 2023, DKV ISTTS held a talkshow event entitled "Kaptured" hosted by Guslan Gumilang, a Jawa Pos photojournalist. In the beginning, Guslan Gumilang or who is familiarly called Guslan, gave a warning that in the world of Journalism, we need to be careful. He explained that nowadays, it is easy for ordinary people to make something viral, but that is different from journalists, who are responsible for presenting information through visuals in the form of photos or videos.

Guslan also explained about the world of journalism in the past. In the past, information could only be obtained by word of mouth, then when newspapers appeared, they were still handwritten, so they could not be made in large quantities as they are now. Gradually, printing presses and radio appeared, then television, and what made the most drastic change was the emergence of social media a few years ago. Finally, now we can access information freely and broadly. It's very easy for us to find information in today's digital era. However, even though the information has spread widely, the problem faced today is the low level of public literacy so that usually only the headlines are read, so it is not uncommon to cause misunderstandings that end up harming many parties.

Guslan said that before, newspapers only carried writing, without photos. However, as the times progressed, newspapers slowly inserted photos to further attract the interest of their readers. The addition of photos as visual media is important because the understanding of news can be contained in a visual.

Guslan also explained about the history of journalistic photography in Indonesia. He said that 1942 was the early history of journalistic photography in Indonesia. At that time, the Japanese taught Indonesian people how to do photography for the news agency Domei, which is a news agency owned by Japan. As a result, the public was finally able to document the moments of Indonesian independence in 1945. In addition, the establishment of the "Indonesia Press Photo Service" in 1946 was also the beginning of the journey of journalistic photography in Indonesia.

So, for those of you who are interested in studying journalism, there are several important things that must be done according to Guslan, namely the need for coordination between journalistic photographers and reporters. Apart from that, you also need to have the ability to create fresh innovative ideas to convey, so that later the articles you create can attract the attention of potential readers.

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