Factory Visit
02 March 2024

Factory Visit

The factory visit between the electrical department and the industrial department was held on Thursday 22 February 2024 by ISTTS. This factory visit starts from 08.00 to around 12.00 WIB. This visit was attended by students majoring in electrical engineering and majoring in industry from the 2020 to 2023 class as well as several industrial and electrical lecturers.

At 08.00 students and female students gather in front of the auditorium after that at 08.30 on the way from campus using a mini bus (HIACE) which is divided into two, namely electro itself and industry itself. After that, around 08.55, we arrived at the parent group's factory.

After that, the students and students were welcomed by a team of students and students were invited to enter the meeting room where the vibe of the room was bright and looked fun and along the way to the meeting room, they looked at the products in the factory.

This activity was continued with an opening by the MC who asked "what products do you know come from this factory" after which they were invited to answer. After that, the MC showed the film "safety induction" which contained material about what happens if there is a fire, what happens if there is an earthquake and so on.

This activity was continued with welcoming remarks and a presentation about the company profile of the OT (parent) group and video details presented by Mr. Andreas Yutri Regional and operational Manager of UPA Surabaya  about the process of making products at the factory, then discussing the blaster machines pop hard candy and mintz soft candy. Finally, it is explained that the OT group factory is divided into two, namely PT. Ultra Prima Abadi and PT. Cayadewi Healthy Indonesia Eternal. then the presentation was continued by the Head of PT CSIA who explained the process of making kirantea.

Then at around 09.40 the students were divided into three groups to look at the factory machines and the MC also reminded them that they were not allowed to bring cellphones into the factory. After that, they were asked to wear shoe covers and hair covers and masks, then each group was explained how several machines in the factory worked and a list of blaster machines, Mintz machines and Kirantea machines were shown. then from PT. UPA showed how the Bosch machine works, the conveyor and the manufacture of hard candy and soft candy

Then the activity continued in the park which explained how to get the ingredients for kirantea, jagak, aches and pains and other drinks. Then they were also told that this kirantea drink is not only for women but men can also take photos with important people at PT CSIA.

Next, they were directed to enter the kirantea production area with the yellow line remaining, after which they were given a kirantea drink tester. then at around 10.57 they were directed to return to the meeting room and were allowed to take snacks at the back table after that they also took photos at the OT group photobooth and each student and male student received an OT group goodie bag. then they were given permission to ask 4 questions about the visit.

Then the activity continued with the MC asking for impressions and messages from us visiting participants and the representatives were Jeshua Dominick Kobstan as chairman of HIMATRIS (HIMA industry) and Nicholas Gabriel Sompotan as chairman of HIMA ELEKTRO. After that, it was continued with thanks to Mrs. Pram Eliyah Yuliana, S.T., M.T. as a lecturer in industrial engineering. This factory visit activity was closed with a photo of appreciation from the OT group giving a plaque to ISTTS, then HIMA Industry and HIMA Electro also gave a plaque to the OT group.

Then at 11.44 they went downstairs to take a group photo then while they were waiting, they also asked about how to do an internship at the OT group and the OT group also told a little that this year the OT group opened itself for factory visits, internships and this was their first factory visit. then at 11:54 the students returned to campus and received rice and drinks and the event was declared truly finished with a lot of experience gained.

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