Problem Solving With Design Thinking
09 December 2022

Problem Solving With Design Thinking

KSP Season 15 Episode 6 which will be held on 30 November 2022 raises the title Problem Solving With Design Thinking. This material was presented by Kelvin, S.T., M.M., who is a lecturer in the Industrial Engineering study program at ISTTS. This season's seminar was held directly on the ISTTS Campus in building E-402.

He explained that, "Problem solving makes something complicated much easier, not even more complicated". The more often you do problem solving, the more you are trained to deal with various problems and make decisions. "The application of problem solving can be applied to almost all aspects of life," he said. For example, making good product designs, designs that are more market-appropriate, making software according to client wishes, services to increase customer satisfaction, and others. to solve a problem, most people are confused about determining the cause of the problem to be solved. Then, they will look for solutions to solve the problem. "As in making a design, all designers must have several design alternatives offered to their clients, it is impossible to only give one," he explained.

"In the application of problem solving, you can't just solve it from your own point of view, but from the point of view of those who have problems too," he said. Several types of methods in problem solving, namely brainstorming, 6 thinking hats, the 5 whys, creative problem solving, and design thinking. The definition of design thinking is how to solve problems by involving users. The main points in design thinking are people-centered (focus on users), hands-on (adjust to user needs), highly creative (creative), and iterative (sustainable). Such as design improvements in the construction of bus stops, what matters is that users experience first-hand the problems faced and the solutions the community wants. The design thinking stages are empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. Mr. Kelvin said that design thinking is considered the fastest method for finding solutions in creating new concepts.

Throughout the presentation of the material, Mr. Kelvin always gave examples or philosophies that were easy to understand and invited participants to interact during the seminar. He also received questions from participants and took the time to provide examples of real problems faced by online motorcycle taxi companies and their solutions. The seminar was closed with a question and answer session, then continued with filling in attendance via Google Form and a group photo session.

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