Watch the Exciting and Exciting Event of the 2021 Younity which is Festive and Inspirational!
04 May 2021

Watch the Exciting and Exciting Event of the 2021 Younity which is Festive and Inspirational!

Younity 2021 was held on April 9-10, the event was running virtually. The event, which was held by HIMA DKV iSTTS, was attended by participants from internal and external students from the campus. This Younity event contains various webinars and workshops that can broaden the participants' horizons, especially for students majoring in DKV. The event which lasted for two days, presented Naafi Nur Rohma, S.Sn., M.Sn., Jacky Cahyadi, S.Sn., and Osmosi Usdiananda, A.Md. as resource persons who are experts in the creative industry.

On the first day, the event was colored with a webinar from resource person Osmosi Usdiananda, A.Md., a Lead Product Designer from Agros Indonesia, entitled 'How to Make a Good Portfolio' webinar. In this webinar, participants have the opportunity to receive various tips and tricks to create a portfolio based on their experience. Mr. Osmosi advised that, campus is a place to find expertise. According to his experience, assignments on campus can even be brought up to work. In addition, he conveyed tips for making a portfolio with the following points: put your best works only, present like a pro, narrow down your niche, introduce yourself, and be yourself. Pak Osmosi also showed his portfolio to give examples to the participants.

"The portfolio does not only provide pictures, but what the company's brand knowledge looks like, then what your strategy is to compile it, then what are the expected results, can all be reported in the portfolio," said Mr. Osmosi.

On the second day, the event was filled with webinars and workshops. In the first session, the Webinar was hosted by Jacky Cahyadi, S.Sn. as Co-creator of Goyi Pipi, Founder of Cubework and one of the lecturers at iSTTS. This time the webinar has the theme "IP Character: the Insight of New Creative Business". In this webinar, Mr. Jacky introduced the participants to various projects and their experiences, including in the field of IP character.

IP character is a topic that is mostly discussed by Mr. Jacky in this webinar. IP character itself is a character design generated from human imagination, for example Hello Kitty, Mickey Mouse, Doraemon, and others. The IP character can be divided into two, namely a promotional character / brand mascot and a commercial character and product of origin. Mr. Jacky explained the various potentials of the IP Character in business. He also introduced one of the IP characters that he worked on with his partner, namely Goyi Pipi and its development which has successfully received a good response from the public.

After the webinar from Mr. Jacky, the Younity event was continued with a workshop from Naafi Nur Rohma, S.Sn., M.Sn., a children's book illustrator and artist and one of the teaching lecturers at iSTTS. On this occasion, Ms. Naafi gave a workshop entitled 'How to Design Character for Children Book Illustration'. She gave various tips for designing characters in making children's story books and her live process in designing a character. He also shared various experiences he had as an illustrator while chatting happily while answering questions from the participants. The participants also proceeded from the material obtained from Ms. Naafi's workshop by drawing together during the event.

Each Webinar ends with a question and answer session, photo session, and is also completed with a quiz for the participants. The Younity event was also followed by an exhibition of the work of DKV iSTTS students which was no less interesting, as well as various door prizes that were eagerly awaited at the end of the event.

The Younity event, which is an annual event, feels exciting and participants can receive new information and knowledge about the creative industry directly from the experts. The event was relaxed and cheerful, but also contained a lot of knowledge. The hope is that this Younity event can continue to be a means of deepening knowledge about the creative industry for the participants.

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